Funny how deadlines creep up on you...the next few days are going to be intense (er) . I am five toys down and on my last painting.
Mr Lavender was the first piece I made for the Green Gallery order. I think he is a retired actor, now living in genteel poverty, but who still has a way with the ladies.
Pippin was a bit of a tricky one, black is an absolute bugger to work with, if you'll pardon my language - it seems to pick up more stray (non-black) bits than white. I am not over fond of penguins myself, and Pippin has a calculating look in his beady glass eye...but I am going to make more, as I know that there are penguin lovers out there.

Although his flippers are quite cute and as they are jointed with strong waxed cotton, he can march all the way to whatever Pole penguins come from...I always forget.
I am now going to disappear for a few days and get my act together. Quick march!